5 days of music, 5 days of camping, hanging out by the campfire, talking to friends. The 9th annual Smoked Country Jam took place last weekend at the Quiet Oaks Campground in Cross Forks, PA. We've been to 6 of them, starting when Gus was 2 and Huck was an infant. This is where Gus saw his first fiddle and learned his first fiddle tune. As soon as we arrived, Theresa handed us a copy of this newspaper. Wow! That's a lot of newspaper article! I thought they just needed some quotes for an article about Smoked Country Jam. I wasn't sure what to make of it at first. In fact, I didn't get brave enough to read it until almost a day later. I still feel a little bit sheepish about it, but I think some really good things came of it. The article highlighted our family's 100 day, turned 450 day and still rolling, practice challenge. I think there is a whole blog post lurking about that topic, so I'll save it for later.
In the meantime here are some pictures of our favorite things about Smoked Country Jam 2012:
relaxing and watching the music,
cooking hot dogs on the campfire,
warming up by the big fire,
sharing our favorite festival with Grammy and Papa Fred,
being disappointed to not win the Chinese auction, and then getting a gift from one of the Chinese auction winners,
watching the music with a new buddy,
and staying up way too late every night.
This year Gus was honored to play on stage with Mama Corn, the Poe Valley Troubadours, and the Hillbilly Gypsies. I'll post some audio files and video as soon as I get unpacked and find the video camera.